Welcome to the website of the research group Operations and Production Management (OPM) of Ghent University. This group is part of the department of Business Informatics and Operations Management.
The OPM research group is proficient in conducting research on optimally organizing complex production and service systems and their logistics flows. You can find more detailed information about specific topics here
Furthermore, you can find useful information on the assembly line feeding problem here.
Services to companies
Companies can contact us with their specific problems. We greatly value cooperation with industry and believe in the benefit of sharing ideas from a professional and academic perspective. We always strive for improvement by profound analysis. You can find more detailed information about different options for cooperation here
If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to contact us. You can find contact details in the Members section.
Awards and recognition
Commended Paper Award: Very proud of Nico André Schmid for his excellent work on the integration of line balancing and feeding of high variety mixed model assembly lines.
Our paper "A case study on the integration of assembly line balancing and feeding decisions", coauthored with Benoit Montreuil (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Veronique Limère, won the Commended Paper Award at the IFAC MIM 2022 conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control.

Lisa Popelier won the 2020 ORBEL Award for the best student's thesis on Operations Research (Promotor: Veronique Limère, Mentor: Nico Schmid). This award, organized by the Belgian OR-society, ORBEL, and sponsored by OM Partners, was handed out 31 January 2020 during the yearly conference.

Hendrik Wijnant won the 2019 ORBEL Award for the best student's thesis on Operations Research (Promotor: Veronique Limère, Mentor: Nico Schmid). This award, organized by the Belgian OR-society, ORBEL, and sponsored by OM Partners, was handed out 8 February 2019 during the yearly conference.