Research Group Operations and Production Management ![](logo.png)
Publications in peer reviewed journals
- Schmid, N. A., Limère, V.,2019, A classification of tactical assembly line feeding problems, International Journal of Production Research., DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1581957
- Mateus,J. C., Claeys, D., Limère, V., Cottyn, J. Aghezzaf, E.H., 2019, A structured methodology for the design of a human-robot collaborative assembly workplace, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology., DOI: 10.1007/s00170-019-03356-3
- Bahrami, B., Aghezzaf, E.H., Limère, V., 2019, Enhancing the order picking process through a new storage assignment strategy in forward-reserve area. International Journal of Production Research. 10.1080/00207543.2019.1567953
- Zeltzer, L., Aghezzaf, E.H., Limère, V., 2017. Workload balancing and manufacturing complexity levelling in mixed-model assembly lines. International Journal of Production Research, 55(10), DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1213452
- Rahim, M. K., Aghezzaf, E.H., Limère, V., Raa,B.,2016. Analysing the effectiveness of vendor-managed inventory in a single-warehouse, multiple-retailer system. International Journal of System Science 47(8), 1953-1965, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2014.965771.
- Limère,V., Van Landeghem, H. and Goetschalckx, M.,2015. A decision model for kitting and line stocking with variable operator walking distances. Assembly Automation 35(1), 47-56, DOI: 10.1108/AA-05-2014-043.
- Bauters, K., Govaert, T., Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H., 2015. Forklift free factory: a simulation model to evaluate different transportation systems in the automotive industry. International Journal of computer aided engineering and technology 7(2), 238-259, DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2015.068329.
- Mattsson, S. Karlsson, M., Gullander, P., Van Landeghem, H., Zeltzer, L., Limère, V., Aghezzaf, E.-H., Fasth, A. and Stahre, J., 2014. Comparing quantifiable methods to measure complexity in assembly. International Journal Manufacturing Research 9(1). pp.112-130, DOI: , DOI: 10.1504/IJMR.2014.059602.
- Zeltzer,L., Limère, V., Van Landeghem , H., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Stahre, J., 2013. Measuring complexity in mixed-model assembly workstations. International Journal of Production Research 51(15), 4630-4643, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.783246.
- Limère, V., 2013. To kit or not to kit: optimizing part feeding in the automotive assembly industry. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 11(1). pp.97-98, DOI: 10.1007/s10288-012-0203-2/.
- Limère, V., Van Landeghem, H., Goetschalckx, M., Aghezzaf, E.-H., McGinnis, L., 2011. Optimizing materials feeding in the automotive industry: kitting and line stocking. International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2011.588625. DOI:10.1080/00207543.2011.588625.
- Myny, D., Van Goubergen, D., Limère, V., Gobert, M., Verhaeghe, S. and Deoor, T., 2010. Determination of standard times of nursing activities based on the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(1), 92-102, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05152.x.
Publications in peer reviewed conference proceedings
- Wijnant, H., Schmid, N. A., Limère, V., Raa, B. 2018. The influence of line balancing on line feeding for mixed-model assembly lines. Proceedings of the 32nd annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2018, pp. 106-111.
- Schmid, N. A., Limère, V., Raa, B. 2018. Modeling variable space in assembly line feeding. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(11), pp. 164-169, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.08.252.
- Bahrami, B., Agghezzaf, E.H., Limère, V., 2016. Using Simulation to Improve Performance of a Real World Distribution Center. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(12), 1874-1879, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.856.
- Bahrami, B., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Limère, V., 2016. Simulation modeling for end-of-Aisle automated storage and retrieval system. ICNAAM 2016.
- Bahrami, B., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Limère, V., 2014. Simulation based performance analysis of an end-of-Aisle automated storage and retrieval system. 3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Proceedings. pp.334-341, DOI: 10.5220/0004927603340341.
- Amaral, R. R., Ottoy, P. and Limère, V., 2013. Using Shewhart control charts for continuous model optimization. 11th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference, Proceedings. pp.139-146
- Van Landeghem, H., Bauters, K. and Limère, V., 2013. A management system for sustainable lean implementation. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Proceedings. pp.941-950, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5039-8.ch009.
- Limère, V., de Cock, K. and Aghezzaf, E.-H., 2013. Generic simulation model for assembly line supply. 11th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference, Proceedings. pp.192-197
- Zeltzer, L., Limère, V., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Van Landeghem, H., 2013. Balancing mixed-model assembly lines in real world complex workstations. 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control 2013, Proceedings. 7(1). pp.1714-1719, DOI: 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00424.
- Zeltzer, L., Limère, V. and Aghezzaf, E.-H.,2013. Balancing and sequencing mixed-model assembly lines to minimize work overload in real world workstations. 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Proceedings. pp.230-239.
- Limère, V., and Van Landeghem, H., 2012. The impact of variable operator walking distances on the decision to supply in bulk or in kits. 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, Proceedings.
- Liu, J., Limère, V., and Van Landeghem, H., 2012. An improved largest gap routing heuristic for order picking. 10th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2012 (ISC 2012). pp.179-184.
- Gullander, P., Mattson, S., Fässberg, T., Van Landeghem, H., Zeltzer, L., Limère, V., Aghezzaf, E.-H., and Stahre, J., 2012. Comparing two methods to measure assembly complexity from an operator perspective. 5th Swedish Production Symposium, Proceedings.
- Zeltzer, L., Limère, V., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Van Landeghem, H., 2012. Measuring the objective complexity of assembly workstations. The Seventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Proceedings, pp.341-346.
- Limère, V., Deschacht, J. and Aghezzaf E.-H., 2012. Integrated Production and Maintenance planning: Modeling Corrective Maintenance. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
- Limère, V., Van Landeghem, H. and Aghezzaf, E.-H. The impact of part characteristics on the decision of kitting versus line stocking. In: Proceedings of the 9th annual Industrial Simulation Conference, 6-8 June 2011, Venice, Italy, 238-243.
- Bauters, K., Govaert, T., Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H. From bulk feeding to full kitting: a practical case in the automotive industry. In: Proceedings of the 9th annual Industrial Simulation Conference, 116 6-8 June 2011, Venice, Italy, 244-249.
- Govaert, T., Bauters, K., Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H. Forklift free factory: a case study of different transportation systems in the automotive industry. In: Proceedings of the 9th annual Industrial Simulation Conference, 6-8 June 2011, Venice, Italy, 217-224. Best Paper Award.
- Limère, V., Celik, M., Pradhan, A. and Soldner, M. Warehousing Effciency in a Small Warehouse. CIPLS - 2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems, 11-15 April 2011, Paris, France, S79 (7p).
- Limère, V., Balachandran, S., McGinnis, L. and Van Landeghem, H. In-plant logistics systems modeling with SysML. In: Proceedings of the 24th European Simulation and Modelling Conference, 25-27 October 2010, Hasselt, Belgium, 383-387.
- Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H., Cost model for parts supply in automotive industry. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Concurrent Engineering Conference, 15-17 April 2009, Brugge, Belgium, 120-126. Best Paper Award.
- Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H., Workforce Planning in the Banking Sector - A Case Study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 8-11 December 2008, Singapore, 670-674, DOI: 0.1109/IEEM.2008.4737953.
Conference abstract presentations
- Schmid, N., Limère, V., 2018. Optimizing line feeding under consideration of variable space constraints. In: Book of Abstracts of the Thirty-second Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society (ORBEL 32), February 1-2, 2018, Liege, pp. 85-86.
- Schmid, N., Limère, V., 2017. Line feeding with variable space constraints for mixed-model assembly lines. In: Book of Abstracts of XLVII Annual Meeting Italian Operations Research Society, September 4-7, 2017, Sorrento, p. 195.
- Limère, V., Bonczar, L. 2017. Modeling a materials feeding system in a hospital operating room: a case study. In: Book of Abstracts of the Thirty-first Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society (ORBEL 31), February 2-3, 2017, Ghent, pp. 91-92.
- Schmid, N., Limère, V., 2017. The assembly line feeding problem: classification and literature review. In: Book of Abstracts of the Thirty-first Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society (ORBEL 31), February 2-3, 2017, Brussel, 116-117.
- Bahrami, B., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Limère, V., 2014. Statistical analysis of alternative storage and retrieval strategies in end-of-Aisle automated storage and retrieval systems. ILS2014 : Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, Abstracts.
- Limère, V., de Cock, K. and Aghezzaf, E.-H., 2013. Generic simulation model for assembly line supply. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Abstracts.
- Zeltzer, L., Limère, V., Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Van Landeghem, H., 2013. Measuring complexity in mixed-model assembly workstations. 27th annual conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society, Abstracts.
- Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H., 2012. Materials supply optimization given solution-dependent operator walking distances. In: 26th annual conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society, Abstracts.
- Limère, V., Van Landeghem, H. and Aghezzaf, E.-H., Kitting versus line stocking in the automotive assembly industry: infuence of part characteristics. In: Book of Abstracts of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society (ORBEL 25), February 10-11, 2011, Ghent, 147-148.
- Limère, V., Goetschalckx, M., McGinnis, L. and Van Landeghem, H., Assembly line feeding: To kit or not to kit? INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 7-10 2010, Austin, TC 72.
- Limère, V. and Van Landeghem, H., A decision model for line feeding. In: Book of Abstracts of the Twenty-Second Conference on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making (ORBEL 22), January 16-18, REFERENCES 117 2008, Brussels, 13-14.
- Limère, V., A decision model for kitting. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th FirW PhD Symposium, December 5, 2007, Gent, 1-2.
- Zeltzer, L., 2016. Analysing and levelling manufacturing complexity in mixed-model assembly lines
- Limère, V., 2011. To kit or not to kit: optimizing part feeding in the automotive assembly industry
- De Cooman, F., 2018. Parts logistics in the automotive industry time-window problem and truck scheduling problem
- De Buyst, L., 2018. Study of transport logistics in the automotive industry: opportunity for cross docking
- Dekeyser, M., 2018. Inventory Management at AB Inbev
- Bassens, M., 2018. Optimisation of the logistics flow at Volvo Chengdu
- De Smaele, V., 2018. Automatisatie van de logistieke stroom in de monatage lijn maaidorsers
- Devos, S., 2018. Ergonomics in industry
- Tack, A., 2018. Improve aftermarket lead-time stability at Volvo
- Wijnant, H., 2018. Integration between line balancing and line feeding for mixed-model assembly lines
- Deraedt, J., 2017 Dataset Generator for the General Assembly Line Balancing Problem
- Van Cauwenberge, N., 2017 Literature study on human-robot interaction for flexible assembly
- Verhaeghe, K., 2017 The impact of tool sharing on the time and space constrained assembly line balancing problem
- Van Cauwenberge, G., 2017. Materials supply of mixed-model assembly lines - bulk versus kitting versus reapackaging
- Cuigniez, C., 2017. A metaheuristic solution for the materials supply of mixed-model assembly lines (2017)
- Engelrelst, T., 2017. Value Stream Mapping in the automotive plant of Volvo and Geely, Luqiao, China. Continuos improvement scope: material planning and logistics in painting and assembly processes
- Geirnaert, V., 2017. Analyse van Etikettering & shipping van Jebo Food
- Hofmans, R., 2017. The translation of business process improvements to a new ERP-system: A case study at Sarens
- Naessens, E., 2017. Value Stream Mapping in the automotive plant of Volvo and Geely, Luqiao, China. Continuos improvement scope: material planning and logistics in stamping and welding processes
- De Temmerman, M., 2017. Materials supply of mixed-model assembly lines - design of logistics
- Boussauw, T., 2016. Developing a readiness index for lean practices in agriculture
- Desmet, M., 2016. De optimalisering van het afvalbeleid van Decospan
- Dierickx, J., 2016. Comparison of Lean Management in Japanese and Belgian Manufacturing SMEs
- Vandenbroecke, V., 2016. New product introductions: up or out decision making
- Verstraete, P., 2016. Optimalisatie van de flow van aluminium tot aan de lakstraat bij de productie van terrasoverkappingen bij Renson